It’s time for a new way to navigate your career.
Careers are different than ever before.
You’ll have at least 12 jobs over your career.
At least, that’s the new norm, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. So, how are you planning to navigate all those transitions? If you’re like most people, you’re not. They’re just going to happen to you.
It’s also sadly normal to dislike your job.
The Gallup organization discovered that 87% of the world’s workers don’t really like their jobs. 87%! What? Yep. In North America, it’s only a bit better (67% still haven’t found what they’re looking for).
That’s why so many are changing jobs.
During the COVID pandemic, many people had a chance to rethink their work-life, and an estimated 40% changed jobs each year. Yet the miserable statistics at work continue!